Hydraulic Seals
Flowline Hydraulics is a leading manufacturer of high quality and a comprehensive range of hydraulic, pneumatic and custom-made sealing solutions. With an in-house seal maker machine – SML 700 – which can facilitate the production of large seals up to 720 dia mm, we can manufacture wide range of piston seals, rod seals, wiper seals, guide rings, static seals, o-rings and more.
Seal Materials
Choosing suitable seal material is crucial, as it determines the overall quality and durability of hydraulic sealing products. Below are the most common materials we use to create seals and these have wide applications in all types of industrial sectors.
Polyurethanes have gained a substantial importance in mod- ern seal technology. They hold a dominant market share in the sector of rod seals and piston seals. Seal Maker’s Pol- yurethane semi-finished products stand out due to their highest material quality. In many applications seals made of Seal Maker Polyurethane outperform the service life of seals made out of competitive manufacturers’ materials. The rea- son for this can be attributed on the one hand to the care- ful selection of raw materials, and on the other hand to the “direct” manufacturing technology. Unlike the thermoplastic processed products, the cast semi-finished products of Pol- yurethane billets made by Seal Maker have the greatest de- gree of freedom to develop their physical properties during polymerization. Any kind of negative influence during the po- lymerization process by heating up and plastic deformation is avoided with our technology. Besides the standard materials we also produce materials with an optimized coefficient of friction, and materials for direct contact with foodstuffs. A fur- ther important fact is that Seal Maker semi-finished products made of Polyurethane, up to a hardness of 95 Shore A, come with a clamping ring. This makes the use in lathe machines a lot easier, and also independent from the type of the pro- duction machine. With the Polyurethane series U5XX Seal Maker offers a wide-ranging delivery program which includes various optimized versions in addition to the standard version U500-R95. Be it high temperatures up to 135 C, or low tem- perature down to -50 C, or low friction, more hardness, less hardness, better chemical resistance, or an application in contact with food stuff, U5XX covers all the different sectors.
The high quality Polyurethane versions U5XX and U203 of- fered by Seal Maker are hydraulysis resistant (H-PU). More information you can find in our material data sheets.
Elastomers, often referred to as rubber materials, are a reasonable completion of the product range. Although they got widely pushed out of many applications by the modern Polyurethanes, the elastomer products remain important in seal technology due to their wide spectrum of thermal and chemical resistance. Seal Maker works exclusively with rub- ber compounds made by internationally highly recognized batch manufacturers. This, in conjunction with Seal Maker’s modern processing technology, is the guarantee for well ap- proved material compounds and an economical shaping. The resulting benefit for our customers is an excellent price-quali- ty ratio, and also prompt availability of both standard and spe- cial dimensions and materials. All Seal Maker semi-finished products made of elastomer materials come in a hard shell, which makes them easy machinable in CNC lathes, despite the low hardness and high elasticity.
Hard plastics and fluorinated thermoplastics, as used for back up rings and guide rings, as well as for special and pre-load- ed seals, complete the product range of Seal Maker semi-fin- ished products. Seal Maker takes care that the suppliers of these products fulfill the high quality requirements as set by ourselves and by our customers. The excellent business con- nection we maintain with our suppliers, a broad product line, in combination with efficient warehouse management, guar- antee prompt availability. Not only the dimensional range of semi-finished products is well adapted to the requirements of machining, it is also the wide variety of different material com- pounds which covers all the requirements of seal application.
POM | PA | PTFE | PEEK | diverse Compounds
Special Materials
These semi-finished material billets are high quality plastic products, produced solely by means of extrusion. The wide choice of thermoplastic products is convincing: sheets, bars and tubes are available in all important standard dimensions. Various material types are available in all standard and in- termediate sizes as well as with well defined tolerances.